ClasseLICEO SC. 2C
  • Inglese
Lavoro assegnato e relative indicazioni

1. Do the following exercises from "Objective First":
pp. 54-55 from n. 1 to 6, pp. 56-57 from 1 to 7 from 1 to 6, pp. 60-61 from 1 to , pp. 66-67 from 1 to 6, pp. 68-69 from 1 to 6, pp. 74-75 from 1 to 6, p. 78-99 n 1 and 2, pp. 80-81 from 1 to 8.
2. Do the following exercises from "Focus Ahead Intermediate":
pp. 130-131 from 1 to 3, pp. 132-133-134-135 all exercises.
From Grammar in Progress
pp. 494-95 n. 1 2, 5 488-489 n. 11 and 12, pp.500-501 n. 16 and 17, pp.502 503 n. 21, 22, 23, pp. 520-522 from 1 to 7
3. Read the following stories from the collection "Culture Clash" (Conrad, Fitzgerald, Kipling, Mansfield, Melville) Casa editrice Liberty ISBN 9788899279875:
“Lispeth” by R. Kipling
“An Outpost of Progress” by J. Conrad
"How Pearl Button was Kidnapped by K. Mansfield
"Love in the Night"by F. Scott Fitzgerald
You have to look up the words you don't know in the dictionary and copy them in your notebook. You should also be able to summarize each chapter by considering: When and where? (setting)
Who? (characters' physical appearance and personality)
What? plot
Personal response - personal opinion

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